Archive for the ‘Cultural’ Category

Machu picchu Inca Trail 2 Days

February 24, 2011

The Inca Trail to Machupicchu (Machu Picchu) is rated among the best trekking trips in the world because of the exquisite natural beauty and archaeological importance of the many sites leading up to Machu Picchu. We encounter valleys that contain wildlife endemic to high deserts or the tropics, between stretches of Puna and cloud forest. We encounter mysterious archaeological sites half covered by jungle overgrowth, which look like you are discovering them for the first time. Finally we arrive at the lost city of the Incas, Machupicchu (Machu Picchu). Experienced guides will conduct your journey and ensure that your trip is pleasant and safe.

Day 1 Cusco – Wiñayhuayna (Km. 104)

We will pick up our passengers from their hotels at 5:40 AM, after which we will start our journey by train from Cusco. We will start our hike from km 104 towards Wiñayhuayna (an archaeological site in Inca trail to Machu Picchu).

In the afternoon we will take the bus to Aguas Calientes and spend the night in a hotel there.

Day 2 Wiñayhuayna – Machu Picchu – Cusco

Early in the morning, we will take the bus to Machupicchu (Machu Picchu) to have a guided tour. In the afternoon we will take the train back to Cusco, arriving at approximately 7:00 PM.